Thursday, July 27, 2006



I am
An earth expression
An Angel Soul
In human body
Believing myself
Separate from SPIRIT

With each passing moment
This veil of separation
Thins more and more
Allowing me to explore
My connection
With others
With all earth wonders
With All That Is

An expression
Am I
Now and evermore

We human beings are very familiar with our human self and how to live here on earth in human bodies. We understand our physical bodies, how they are made up and how we can use them.

We understand some of our mental, our mind powers to perceive the world around us, to plan our movements, to interpret what is going on around us, to communicate with each other.
We somewhat understand our ego, the human ships’ captain that directs our actions, how we individually see ourselves, what belief systems we accept to express our actions. We know quite a bit about our psyche, the psychological aspects of our nature. Our emotions are quite familiar to us as we respond to all sorts of interactions with our fellow human beings.

Yet, there is a part of ourselves –the soul self- that we sense its existence but know very little about it. There is also an interconnectedness of all human and soul expression, their creativities, that we tend to attribute to some power outside of ourselves.

The Angels of Light Fellowship ( brings about the awareness that our soul self is angelic, that we are truly angels in human bodies. The Fellowship encourages sensing our own individual angel nature through meditation, through understanding our meditation and dream experiences. The Fellowship encourages forming weekly Spiritual Growth Circles in our own homes or communities to share our personal daily meditations and dream experiences with each other to understand more fully our angelic nature.

The Fellowship encourages each of us to understand our own divine nature as true essences of SPIRIT expressing through our angelic nature. Our creative powers are the limitless expressions of SPIRIT.

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Copyright Auric Expressions 2006,
reprinted by permission of Auric Expressions

1 comment:

Rose DesRochers said...

I found your blog on I'm glad that I did. What wisdom comes from it.
