Sunday, August 06, 2006


I dreamed last night that I was facilitating a workshop titled SELF-DISCOVERY which I recently designed. This workshop includes guidance in meditation, understanding dreams and auric energy balancing. I plan to offer this workshop in my local area soon.

In my dream, I got a response of maybe a dozen people. The dream started at the beginning of the workshop as I was describing the workshop outline to everyone.

I looked around the room at the people who chose to come to the workshop. Several people seemed to be really paying attention. Other people were exhibiting various signs of boredom or lack of attention. At one end of the room were two people who were talking and making sexual advances to each other.

I was becoming emotionally agitated at the people who were not paying attention. I was feeling frustrated and thought to myself that maybe is was not a good idea to have this SELF-DISCOVERY workshop.

I woke up at this point.

Later in the day as I was reviewing my SELF-DISCOVERY workshop dream, it suddenly came to me what my dream was telling me.

I recently left employment of a position I held for over ten years. The hours were regular. My weekday routines were predictable and centered around the employment.

For the past month, I have been planning for and preparing myself for self-employment activity which includes facilitating a variety of workshops. I have not yet completely defined a structure or routine for this. There are many aspects related to this new employment that have yet to be settled on. My mind wanders to a variety of potential resolutions to these unsettled aspects of the new job.

My weekday time frames for the past month have been erratic, not yet settled into a routine. I experience a variety of activities each weekday like every day is Saturday.

What I came to sense from my dream was that each character in my dream, both the workshop participants and the facilitator were different aspects of myself. I was acting out my own SELF-DISCOVERY of my activities of the past month as I am transitioning from a long held position and routine to a new uncertain activity.

The dream is also telling me to get my act together so that the undisciplined elements of myself can combine with all the other aspects of my being to prepare myself fully for the new employment I have chosen.

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Copyright Auric Expressions 2006,
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Sunday, July 30, 2006


It grew
Of faraway places
Now warming many hearths
Platforms for many uses
Shelter to others
The stump
Stands sentinel
For the dream tree

Meditation is a simple process to be in an awake-dream state of being. In this awake-dream state we have access in a conscious way to many levels of activity in our being.

There are very powerful forces within each one of us to which we pay little or no attention. We dismiss them as having little or no meaning in our lives. Dreams is one of these very powerful forces. Every moment of every day, each one of us on earth dreams. We tend to think of dreams as something that we do for a few moments while we are asleep. But the same level of activity that we recognize as a dream actually occurs with each of us every single moment of our lives.

I was doing some personal research about my own dreams in the 1970s. I kept a Journal of my dreams as I remembered them. I would also write whatever associations and meanings I could sense in my dreams. In time, my dream recall increased greatly. I sense this was happening because my awake self was cooperating with and wanting to be involved with my dream self in a conscious way.

Various things happened during these years with my dreams. At times I knew that I was dreaming. This is called lucid dreaming. One time, I woke up from a dream to reach up and turn on the wall lamp over my bed. Then I realized I had no wall lamp over my bed and ‘woke up’ again and turned on the light on the table next to my bed. This was a dream within a dream.

After a while whenever I woke up, I would have the dream continue for a short time as I lay in bed before getting up. One day this lingering dream activity continued after I got up. The dream continued while I showered, got dressed, ate breakfast and went to work at my desk in my home office. This was a very novel experience for me. But I kept losing my train of thought about my work and several times I had to repeat writing the things I was working on. In mid-afternoon, I had to drive to a meeting about a project I was working on with others. The dream continued as I drove several miles to the meeting. The dream continued throughout the meeting and as I drove back home.

I realized after I got home that I was being given a lesson why we are generally not aware of our dreaming self while we are in our waking consciousness. There is too much activity going on between what we see, hear, smell, and sense in our waking world and those things we experience in our dreaming world.

The combination of waking and dreaming activity together was OK and fun while showering and eating alone. It was a great distraction while I was trying to make phone calls, writing, or wanting to do my work in my office. The combination of the two was downright dangerous while driving my car. It forced me to focus very hard to drive my car and watch all elements of traffic. My concentration at the meeting I went to was very scattered. I had to differentiate between what others were saying or doing at the meeting and what was happening in my dream.

I had a clear understanding when I returned home why I had allowed myself this experience. While awake we need to focus on our earth experience and what is going on here in our lives. I thanked my dream self for the lesson and indicated I did not need to repeat this lesson.

Your dream self will always cooperate with you, if you truly want to understand your dream activity and the powerful contribution it provides to you in your daily life.

Communication in the dream state can approximate communication in the waking state. But more often communication in the dream state is through symbolism and whatever meaning we can find behind the actions we experience in our dreams. Writing out, journaling, our dreams when we wake up can lead to greater understanding of the meanings, of the symbolism found in our dreams. Meditation, an awake-dream state, is another way to communicate with our own soul, angelic nature. Private, daily meditations greatly improve our awareness of our true nature.

The earth and all its manifestation including her people is receiving new spiritual energies. These spiritual energies are steadily increasing our personal awareness of our angelic nature. As we choose to flow with these spiritual energies, we can find ourselves experiencing greater and greater understanding of our true soul, angel nature.

The Love and Blessings of the Universe are with you in all ways and at all times. Enjoy them!

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Copyright Auric Expressions 2006,
reprinted by permission of Auric Expressions

Saturday, July 29, 2006


The unconditional love
Of one's self
Is the fountainhead
From which springs
Unconditional love
For all others
For all creation

Each of us possesses the transcending quality of Christ Consciousness. It is not something that only one or two persons possess. Christ Consciousness is an aspect in every person that allows us to explore the full ranges of creativity we possess as SPIRIT.

SPIRIT is love, unconditional love for all persons, all entities, all life forms, all earth expressions, all universal expressions, all actions, all illusions, all light, all shadow in all creation. SPIRIT, the All That Is.

Attainment of unconditional love is not always easy when we surround ourselves with rules for good and evil, right and wrong, saint and sinner, dualities of all sorts in our daily lives. But through the Christ Conscious aspect of our soul forces we can sift through our illusions, our dualities and come to accept all people, all actions, all forces, all energies without judgment.

In this acceptance, we open ourselves up to a love leading us ever so surely to the unconditional love of SPIRIT, our truest nature.

In the human condition, we can not give to another that which we do not possess ourselves. We understand this principle fully in material terms. I can not give you a coat to ward off your cold if I do not possess a coat to give to you. In the same way, our love for others is limited to the degree we have learned to love ourselves. To express unconditional love to another, one must first attain a state of unconditional love for one’s self.

LOVE YOURSELF ALWAYS! Love is the fountainhead of your being.

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Copyright Auric Expressions 2006,
reprinted by permission of Auric Expressions

Friday, July 28, 2006


My Love
Reach every heart

My joy
Touch all creation

My Light
Brighten every shadow

My inspiration
Call for universal peace

My Inspiritation
My Light
My Joy
Touch my heart
Be my LOVE

Have you noticed how fast the time is speeding up these days. This is one of the clear signs of the new earth energies our angels are channeling to us. The new earth energies are designed to alter our body structures to enable us to be fully aware of our true nature, which is expressed through our soul forces, our angelic self. The catch to the new earth energies working for us, is the same catch we face day to day in all our earth activities. The catch is FREE WILL.

FREE WILL is a universal constant for each one of us. On a moment by moment basis we can choose any of a whole range of activity. Some of this range of activity may be very uplifting to each of us, some of this range may be hurtful or dangerous to our health or well-being, and the mid-range of this choice is always on target for our greater good and well-being. The choice is always ours moment by moment.

FREE WILL can give us an unlimited range of choices and experienced activity. The downsides to FREE WILL can be mass consciousness, addictions, power tripping, narrow banded selfishness, status quo, arrogance, dominance over others, and playing the victim game. The downside forces are very strong. They keep us trapped in a narrow range of choice of activities, not necessarily the choice of activities that spur us to rise up to the greater glory we can express through our soul, our angelic forces.

Learn to use FREE WILL to open up, to identify with your angel, soul-self. This is easily done by first accepting that you are an angel in human body. When the acceptance is clear, then allow the energies, the love, the joy, the creative expressions of your angel, soul-self to come to your waking consciousness. Regular meditations and Spiritual Growth Circles enhance your ability to make contact with your true nature, your angel, soul-self.

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Copyright Auric Expressions 2006,
reprinted by permission of Auric Expressions

Thursday, July 27, 2006



I am
An earth expression
An Angel Soul
In human body
Believing myself
Separate from SPIRIT

With each passing moment
This veil of separation
Thins more and more
Allowing me to explore
My connection
With others
With all earth wonders
With All That Is

An expression
Am I
Now and evermore

We human beings are very familiar with our human self and how to live here on earth in human bodies. We understand our physical bodies, how they are made up and how we can use them.

We understand some of our mental, our mind powers to perceive the world around us, to plan our movements, to interpret what is going on around us, to communicate with each other.
We somewhat understand our ego, the human ships’ captain that directs our actions, how we individually see ourselves, what belief systems we accept to express our actions. We know quite a bit about our psyche, the psychological aspects of our nature. Our emotions are quite familiar to us as we respond to all sorts of interactions with our fellow human beings.

Yet, there is a part of ourselves –the soul self- that we sense its existence but know very little about it. There is also an interconnectedness of all human and soul expression, their creativities, that we tend to attribute to some power outside of ourselves.

The Angels of Light Fellowship ( brings about the awareness that our soul self is angelic, that we are truly angels in human bodies. The Fellowship encourages sensing our own individual angel nature through meditation, through understanding our meditation and dream experiences. The Fellowship encourages forming weekly Spiritual Growth Circles in our own homes or communities to share our personal daily meditations and dream experiences with each other to understand more fully our angelic nature.

The Fellowship encourages each of us to understand our own divine nature as true essences of SPIRIT expressing through our angelic nature. Our creative powers are the limitless expressions of SPIRIT.

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Copyright Auric Expressions 2006,
reprinted by permission of Auric Expressions

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Angels of Light
Brighten all earth shadows
Angels of Light

There is a great deal of conflict going on all over the world. In some areas it is very severe. In other areas conflict is minimal or less severe.

What it conflict?

Conflict exists when people have different points of view and they take sides to defend their point of view. In many cases conflict is very low key as disagreement between parents and children, or sibling rivalry, or amongst friends and associates. Sometimes low key conflicts can escalate, even to the point of resulting in life long feuds.

Differing perspectives in religion, political parties, athletic competition, competition between companies, or in the workplace are all areas where there can be varying levels of conflict.

World events show us highly escalated conflicts between ethnic groups, religious ideologues, guerilla groups with various agendas, countries with disparate viewpoints.

Within each of us exists shadow sides of greed, lust, dominance over others, selfishness, cheating, coveting.

‘Brighten all earth shadows’ begins with oneself. As we brighten our own shadows, we give permission to others to brighten their shadows as well.

As each of our shadows disappear, we come closer and closer to emerging as an Angel of Light.

The Love and Blessings of the Universe are with you always. Enjoy them!

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Copyright Auric Expressions 2006,
reprinted by permission of Auric Expressions

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


When two or more come together, there am I in the midst of them

A Spiritual Growth Circle is a coming together of two or more persons to gain insights or personal guidance through meditation, meditative states and dreamwork.

You are encouraged to pull together in your own home a Spiritual Growth Circle of relatives and friends to come together once every week for meditation, sharing what is experienced during the meditation, then discussing what was shared with each other. This simple process is a powerful tool for learning greater trust in our own personal guidance, and to empower ourselves more in all our life activities.

Private meditations allow us to get more in touch with our own personal guidance, our inner forces. Group meditations tend to increase the experiences and understanding we can gain through meditation. The Spiritual Growth Circle insights carry over during the week to encourage and to enhance our personal meditations.

A Spiritual Growth Circle can start out with a simple, non-directed meditation of three to five minutes. This is often called a centering meditation. After each person has returned to full, waking consciousness after the centering meditation, then each person in turn can share what was experienced during the centering meditation. It is recommended there be no interruptions or questions from others during the sharing time.

The purpose for not interrupting during the sharing time is threefold. First, we honor the person who is willing to share an experience with us. Second, during the sharing a person retreats somewhat into the meditative state re-experiencing what is being shared. The third purpose is to discipline ourselves to truly listen to what another person is sharing with us. Too often when others are sharing with us, we are very busy thinking about what we want to say. Whatever you don't understand about what a person is sharing with you can be asked about during the general discussion time following the sharing.

After everyone has shared their meditative experiences, then there can be an open discussion on the meditative experiences just shared with each other. This discussion often brings out common threads of experiences and tends to add more meaning to the meditative experiences. This is also a time to ask for more clarity from others about their shared experiences during the meditative exercise. Try to keep the general discussion focused on the shared meditative experiences.

After the centering meditation discussion is complete, the people in the group can choose a specific focus for the next meditation. The focus can be a meditative exercise that someone in the group knows, or sensing energy flows in the body as might be used in energy healing. The exercise can be focusing on something that happened or was said during the sharing or discussion that just ended. Or someone might have a dream experience that the person would like more insight into the dream's meaning. Simple questions on a topic of interest to every one can be a focus for the meditative exercise.

Each meditative exercise follows the same pattern as the centering meditation. Three to five minutes of meditation. Then sharing without interruption from the group. And ending with a discussion about the information just shared about the meditation experience. It is strongly recommended that each person have a glass of water beside them during this time. Taking small sips of water during the evening enhances the flow of activity during the meditative times.

Whatever happens to any person during the meditative exercise is valid for that person and needs to be honored by the others in the group. However, every other person in the group must decide for themselves whether any experience shared is valid for them. We all have different focuses in our lives. A meditation experience might be specific to our focus of activity, and not for others.

A Spiritual Growth Circle can usually complete three or four meditative exercises with sharing and discussion during a two hour period. It is recommended that Spiritual Growth Circles limit their practice time to two hours or less, once each week. Daily personal meditations between group meditations are very important to gain trust in our own guidance. The group can not validate our experiences. Each person must do that for one's self.

Once you have a clear understanding of what you want to do in life, the Universe will bend its efforts toward that end. Be careful, however, not to expect the Universe to fall into your time frame for the accomplishment of your goal. To the Universal forces a word like 'soon' can mean the next instant or the next millennium.

LOVE YOURSELF ALWAYS! Love is the cornerstone of your being.

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Copyright Auric Expressions 2006,
reprinted by permission of Auric Expressions

Monday, July 24, 2006


This Whisper came to me several years ago. I sense it to be a call for each of us to assess our life values and to set aside those values that sets one person or group against another person or group. We see examples of strife, greed, power plays, conflicts, and revenges happening every day worldwide. Is this Whisper a call for each of us to examine our individual lives and discard those tendencies that plays into conflicting ideologies. These Whispers are copyrighted by the Angels of Light Fellowship (

Angels of Light
Brighten all earth shadows
Angels of Light

Angels of clear radiance
Open all portals
Of peaceful coexistence
Angels of Light

Angels of all radiant hues
Manifest greater understanding
Of earth's vast plenties
Angels of Light

All Beings of earth
Cast off shackles of separation
Attune to your angelic nature
Angels of Light

Angels garbed in human form
From all boundaries break free
Anchored in fervent unity
Angels of Light

Angels of joy, love, compassion
Eliminate shadows that none may hide
To harm or deny another
Angels of Light

Angels of cooperation
Release dominance, fear, aggression
In all its forms
Angels of Light

Emerge Angels of Light

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Copyright Auric Expressions 2006,
reprinted by permission of Auric Expressions

Sunday, July 23, 2006


We have our day to day awareness of the world around us through our waking mind, our ego self. But within each of us is a Soul self. The Soul self guides us to stay focused on our individual life purposes.

Meditation is a quieting of our day to day life activities. In meditation, our focus shifts from the world around us and allows us to go within our own being to achieve soul contact. Meditation strengthens our intuition, that gut feeling for right action, keeping us on track for our life purposes.

MEDITATION FOR SOUL COMMUNION is a series of thirteen lessons (copyrighted by the Angels of Light Fellowship) to take us step by step to soul contact, to conscious awareness of our life's purposes, and receive clues about our daily activities. Meditation strengthens our inner guidance leading us to ever happier, healthier lives.

These meditation lessons do not follow any particular religious belief or philosophy. These meditation lessons are written to be acceptable to any person regardless of a person's background or worldview. The meditation lessons can lead a person to conscious soul contact, to understand personal life purposes and more satisfying daily choices. The lessons are a journey of opening up to greater personal development and stronger intuition. The lessons are free. Visit the Angels of Light Fellowship web site ( and click on Meditation Lessons on the bottom bar for the free MEDITATION FOR SOUL COMMUNION Lessons.

"A picture is worth a thousand words". This old saying applies especially well to soul communion. When we talk person to person, we use words, gestures, body language, different voice variations to get our ideas across to each other. Soul communion includes mind pictures, much like dream images, or thoughts, feelings, impressions of one kind or another. Soul communion is mostly symbolic, clues passed from your soul level of awareness to your conscious waking self. The meditation lessons are designed for you to journal, to write out your experiences. Then you can look for the meaning behind the symbolic messages you receive and write the meanings in your journal also.

LOVE YOURSELF ALWAYS! Love is the cornerstone of your being.

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Copyright Auric Expressions 2006,
reprinted by permission of Auric Expressions

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Your own dreams give you guidance in activities in your own life. And sometimes, other people's dreams are helpful to give guidance and control to events in your life.

A good example of this happened some time ago when I was doing nursing aide
work for an elderly man. His wife had passed on about a month before I interviewed for the position. I was interviewed for the live-in position by Nell and Phillip, his son and daughter. They were all from a very conservative family. During the interview I told them that I had a strong metaphysical interest and would want to have my computer in my room to write articles for a newsletter I published at that time. They hesitatingly said they did not mind.

As soon as I moved into their father's house, I felt their mother's energy constantly just over my left shoulder.

In the evening about six days later, Phillip came to me and said that Nell did not want me to continue taking care of their father and to make plans to leave his home. I asked him if this was related to my writing metaphysical articles on my computer. He agreed that this was the reason.

The next morning Nell came in about 10:00 o'clock as she usually did to visit with her father and do some housecleaning. She did not say a word to me at first and just went on about her visit with her father and the housework.

About a half hour later, I went to her and said, "Phillip told me last night that you want me to move out and leave this position." She replied, "Oh, that won't be necessary. Mother came to me in a dream last night and said it was OK for you to stay here."

From that moment and until their father passed away, I never felt their mother's energy over my left shoulder again.

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Copyright Auric Expressions 2006,
reprinted by permission of Auric Expressions

Friday, July 21, 2006


In my thirties, the recurring theme in my dreams was the naked self.


There were many variations to these naked-self dreams. In these dreams, I found myself walking or running nude through a room or some other place. There were always other people around fully clothed. I was apprehensive about people seeing me naked. I hid behind doors, in bushes, or hid anywhere before I had enough courage to walk or run naked amongst other people. I wondered what they would think of me. Sometimes I had to return the same way to get my clothes. The apprehension of doing this was doubled. Afterwards, my reaction was, 'Nobody even noticed. What was I so worried about?"

At times an experience in daily life can trigger an understanding of a dream. One such event in my life happened at a private school where I taught. The school was in a rural area. The school had an operating farm. An empty chicken house was being used to store hay. One day the hay caught on fire. It became a flaming inferno in the building within minutes.

Across a small dirt road about twelve feet from the blazing building was another chicken house. The two buildings were parallel to each other. The flames shot across the road. The flames were licking at the side of the other chicken house. Soon, this second chicken house, also, caught fire. Eight hundred chickens were living in this house that caught fire. This house had been their home for about a year since they were hatched. Their whole life had been lived in this chicken house. They never went outside of it.

When we saw the danger to the chickens, a team of firefighters, students and teachers rushed to the side of the chicken house away from the fire. This side of the chicken house was one hundred feet long. The construction was very simple. The outside pine boards were covered with tar paper. These boards were nailed to two by four studs, two feet apart from each other. Nothing was nailed inside the studs.

In minutes we had holes opened in the wall. The chickens could escape from the heat, smoke and flames coming in from the other side. Ten minutes later, the entire length of the building was opened for the chickens to escape the flaming inferno.

Not one chicken stepped outside of the house. All eight hundred of these chickens died. There was nothing we could do to save them. Any chicken farmer knows why they died. The chickens lived their whole life in this house. The house was their protection from any danger. Outside the house was scary, dangerous. Inside was safety.

The cultural chicken house I grew up in had very restrictive ideas about dreams, people, sex, nudity, and spiritual awareness of any kind outside of organized religions. Genitals and women's breasts were to be covered. Dreams were denied any real existence.

Logical reasoning was superior to intuition. Men were superior to women, adults to children. Whites were superior to blacks and other ethnic peoples. Christians were superior to Jews and any other religious beliefs. Straights were superior to gays. Humans were superior to animals. Some occupations were superior to other occupations. Normal was superior to abnormal.

Remembering the incident with the chickens dying in their house gave me my first clues about my streaker dreams. I was, at that time, questioning beliefs in many areas of my life. Until then, I had accepted most beliefs rather passively. After all, I got them from my parents, relatives, friends, teachers, and ministers. These were people I trusted and had faith in.

I began to find flaws in some of my beliefs. I began to strip off beliefs that didn't hold true for me anymore. With these beliefs stripped away, others could then see my true self. The fear, the apprehension, the hesitation before going out in front of others stripped of my cultural clothing was as real for me as the chicken's fear of leaving the safety of their house was for them.

I have often heard remarks like, "It's only a dream, it isn't real."; "It's something you ate."; "You were just over-tired." And so chicken coop thinking begins about our dreams. It prevents us from wanting to understand and involve ourselves consciously with our dreams.

I have learned to embrace a cooperative attitude toward my dream experiences. My dreams help me strip myself of the chicken coop thinking of superiority I may have over others. This superiority over others prevents me from seeing others for the truly unique persons they are.

* * * * * *


Much research has been done on sleep and dreams and why they are important to us. Prolonged lack of sleep can lead to serious physical and mental health problems.

Part of the dream activity might be called housecleaning. Dream housecleaning has to do with reviewing the day’s activity and sorting out what is important to our well being and what is not. Who has not had the experience of going to bed all worried about something that happened during the day, then woke up the next morning without a care in the world.

Another function of the dream activity is to point out some answers to situations we are dealing with in our daily life.

We sometimes think of our waking activity as being conscious and our sleeping activity as being unconscious. But if things happen during sleep to help us with waking things in our lives, is it not possible this too is a type of being conscious? And what about the greater flexibility, greater range of activity in the sleep state?

People who know how to meditate realize that meditation is a waking, conscious form of sleep and dream activity. The physical body is in a slower , relaxed state. We drift in and out of dreamlike experiences. Once we learn how to interpret, to understand both the dream and the meditation experiences, we find personal guidance toward a healthier, happier, richer, more fulfilling life.

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Copyright Auric Expressions 2006,
reprinted by permission of Auric Expressions

Thursday, July 20, 2006


I recognized beginning in the mid 1970s that, at times, thoughts would crowd into my head and would not leave me until I had written the words on paper. I soon learned that the words I wrote down were messages to be shared with others. I call these messages 'Whispers' which I believe have powers well beyond the words on paper. All copyrights to Whispers are given to the Angels of Light Fellowship ( The first whisper to crowd into my head was:

Go within, without
Claim your star
Claim all
Life's great adventure
To discover
The divinity you are

A few years ago, I was moved to add two more lines to the beginning of this whisper. This is now the entire whisper.

Grand Souls
One and All

Go within, without
Claim your star
Claim all

Life's great adventure
To discover
The divinity you are

LOVE YOURSELF ALWAYS! Love is the cornerstone of your being.

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Copyright Auric Expressions 2006,
reprinted by permission of Auric Expressions

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I grew up in the 1930s and 1940s with traditional christian beliefs learned from my family, friends, associates, churches, and others. I saw how important these beliefs were to many others. But within my own being, there was a hunger to know more than these values. I felt there were some things missing in my life.

Then the answers from what I felt was missing started to come to me in the 1960s. I heard about and started to practice meditation as a way to get more in touch with who I was. The hunger continued wanting to know more, but I had begun to find a way to satisfy some of this hunger. Meditation from several disciplines soon led me to learn about the subtle energy forces that exist within and around our bodies. Aura, chakra, astral, etheric and many more terms began to take on meaning in my life. In time ESP, reincarnation, clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudient were added to the list of new terms to digest and find meaning within these concepts.

In the mid 1970s I was attracted to learn the spiritual healing practice commonly called the laying-on-of-hands. Channeling, spiritual guides, angels were concepts that took on more clarity for me. I was moved by my own inner guidance to expose others to know more about these things I had been learning and practicing for the past decade. A simple process for a spiritual growth circle came to me.

I was moved to explore my own dream world with a view to understand what dreams were, but more importantly, to learn how to decode and find meaning in my dreams, and to be able to assist others to find meanings in their own dream experiences. I soon recognized that the experiences I had during meditation were very similar to my dream experiences. This recognition allowed me to use meditation, an awake-dream state to assist me in knowing more about my fuller nature, beyond my physical, mental and emotional self. Meditation and dreams become complementary tools for learning more about myself, and the more spiritual elements in my being.

Still later in life, I learned about hypnotherapy for greater understanding of my own psyche. As I was learning this practice, I noticed how the self-hypnotic state had similarities to my meditation experiences and my dream world.

I wrote about these things, first as a journal exercise to understand better what I was experiencing as I studied and practiced the new techniques, then later in articles that I published in newsletters for whatever group or organization I was affiliated with at any given time.

I have been involved in different spiritual growth circles since the mid 1970s. The spiritual growth circle I am in now led us to form the Angels of Light Fellowship ( I also set up AURIC EXPRESSIONS ( to explore and experiment with different spiritual expressions and to publish MYSTIC MEANINGS at that web site.

The postings on this blog will feature articles I have written in MYSTIC MEANINGS and may serve to be articles that I will later publish in MYSTIC MEANINGS. I see them both as complementary to each other.

LOVE YOURSELF ALWAYS! Love is the cornerstone of your being.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Each of us has our being
Within a unique aura
In the fabric of SPIRIT
The Universal Auric Light

God, Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, by whatever name we choose to call SPIRIT, is not an entity outside of ourselves. Each of us is an entity within SPIRIT endowed with the Creative Essences, Free Will, and Unconditional Love of SPIRIT. These attributes are not aspects of ourselves that we have to study and learn how to be or express them. These attributes are inherently ours and need only be fully accepted by us to manifest more fully in our life’s activities and interactions with others.

Aura is a word used to refer to sets of energies that exist around the human body. Some refer to this as the auric field. Within our auric field are the chakra, wheel like subtle fields through which our bodies receive energy to vitalize whatever aspect of our system the chakra relates to. In addition to the chakra, there are various bodies of energy providing still other functions within our being. Some of these bodies are referred to as astral, etheric, emotional, mental, and more, each affecting different aspects of our selves.

Too often these elements of our makeup are explained from the perspective of the individual. But these elements are interconnected with each other within the individual, but more importantly, they are interconnected with every other individual, with every aspect of creation near to or distant from the individual.

Each of us is an important and unique aspect of SPIRIT forever shining in many forms with the Auric Light of SPIRIT, and forever creating new patterns of auric lights to share with and delight others.

LOVE YOURSELF ALWAYS! Love is the cornerstone of your being.

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